
Learn in Public

Kim Todd
Kim Todd
Cover Image for Learn in Public

Why I'm Making This Blog

Some time ago, I stumbled upon this inspiring blog post on how to get better faster: Learn In Public.

Here are some key takeaways:

Whatever your thing is, make the thing you wish you had found when you were learning.

Try your best to be right, but don’t worry when you’re wrong.

Pick up what they put down.

And that is pretty much it. That summarizes the reason this blog exists.

If you're interested in improving, I highly recommend this article to you, and you may enjoy my blog too.

The following is for myself, but to stretch my learning-in-public muscles, I'm going to put it out there.

  • Take daily notes using only Obsidian because it is searchable and legible. Use the links feature.
  • Make the thing you wish you had found.
  • Write blogs and tutorials and cheatsheets.
  • Speak at meetups and conferences.
  • Ask and answer discussions online.
  • Create YouTube videos or Twitch streams.
  • Start a newsletter.
  • Draw cartoons.
  • Enjoyed a coding video? Reach out to the speaker/instructor and thank them and ask questions.
  • Attend conferences and summarize what you learned.
  • Make PR’s to libraries you use.
  • Teach workshops.
  • Make your own libraries.
  • Clone stuff you like, from scratch, to see how they work.

A check doesn't mean I'm finished, but it feels good to check things and track progress.

Credit: Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash